Sunday, April 10, 2011

Alexander is ready to come home!

When I find myself in a funk, I usually can get myself motivated and back on track.  Sometimes it takes longer than other times.  We have been busy here and I just haven't had any motivation to come here and blog despite the abundance of topics floating around in my head.  In fact, the next 6 weeks will be filled with many activities, many to do with Katie and Blake. More about them in another post soon.  What I never feel slack about is advocating for orphans. 

I have been posting about adoptions and advocacy for Down syndrome orphans and I am just in awe of all my mommy friends who are in the process of adoption.  It doesn't feel like it is enough to just blog and donate for them, but it is each of us taking one small step which can lead to change.  To know that these kids will head down very different paths all because someone loved them enough to make a difference---well it fills my heart with such love.  I will never get tired of hearing the stories about these children, of hearing that another one is saved, of knowing that I socialize with the biggest and brightest hearts here in this world. 

Over on the page to the right is a button for Alexander.  His forever family is in the process of bringing him home.  I read her post tonight about how his 6th birthday is here.  6 long years in an orphanage.  How sad that makes my heart.  I know his next birthday is going to be a blast, but it is this birthday that I can't forget.  I think of all we do here to celebrate a birthday.  Birthdays are meant to be acknowledged, to let someone know that their arrival in this world is a special gift, that it is a gift every year they celebrate one.  I look at his picture and I just melt every.single.time.

How can you not love this face?



He doesn't know any life other than the one he is in now.  I can't wait to see him grow up with his family, the Taylors.  You can follow their story and inspirational posts here.  They are in the middle of fundraising to fund his adoption.  You can make a tax deductible donation to his account and enter a chance to win an iPad 2.  But again, it is never about the chance to win a prize.  Your gift is the gift that will never stop giving.  It is providing this family the chance to forever change his life.  If he is smiling this huge now, imagine what he is going to be doing once he comes home.  I for one can't wait to see it!

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