Saturday, February 12, 2011

212 degrees

Have you ever heard of the 212 degree philosophy? 

At 211 degrees, water is very hot.

At 212 degrees, water boils.

And with boiling water comes steam.

And with steam, you can power a train.

Just one extra degree.... can make all the difference. 

I was introduced the other day to it during a staff meeting from one of our customer care representatives.  Our video was actually the crossing the line video at ( the video is not shown in its entirety--you have to buy it I guess to see the full presentation.)  The 212 degree phrase was part of that video.  Our presentation had to deal with the positives and negatives in your life, at home, on the job, with every choice you make, your friends, your family, your neighbors and even the strangers you meet.  Every once in awhile it is great to be inspired by different messages.  I like to think of myself as a positive person.  A someone who finds joys and meaning in life. 

During the Ds journey I have had the privilege of "meeting" lots of moms (and some dads too)  with children of Ds.  We network via blogs, email, facebook, private and public groups and I am lucky to know a few IRL here in our town.  I am grateful for their friendship.  When I need to talk about Ds, these women are here and they understand my joys and frustrations.  They know what it is like to have a special needs child.  We parent differently--advice given isn't always taken, one child's struggle is another child's strength.  We come from all different walks of life--different races, different socioeconomic status', and different styles of living.  For some of us, the only common link with each other is our children.  Some parents with children who have Ds could care less about networking.  It is just a personal preference.  I personally love it.

Our differences can sometimes bring heated discussions amongst our groups.  In the last few months I have seen several ladies "attacked" for their beliefs.  Attacks by the very people that you hope can relate to what you are going through.  Things got very ugly, very fast.  Friendships broken over a difference of opinion.   The attacks were uncalled for.  Bringing each other down when we should be lifting each other up.  All I can say is why? 

To my Ds friends---each of you are important to me.  You offer me wisdom, a shoulder to cry on, smiles, hugs, laughter, advice and opinions that I appreciate.  Thank you for your friendship. 

So, I was inspired to share my 212 with a particular group of ladies due to a private message sent to me via facebook.  This is my thoughts on 212.....

Have you ever reached the boiling point?  212 degrees to the bad?  Stuck in traffic?  Late for an appointment?  Waiting on someone who is late meeting you?  Been insulted?  Had a favorite tv show dvr'd only to find out the last 5 minutes got cut off?  Been angry at your kids?  Had your dog just eat your cherry pie that you were hoping to dig into?  Gone on vacation and had it rain torrentially the entire time?  Got home and found the wrong food order in your drive thru bag?  You get the point.  How many times do you hit your boiling point?  The last time I hit my boiling point was ___________________!!!  (insert your last 212 degree boiling point moment here)

Now, when was the last time you reached 212 degrees for the good?  When you gave that extra effort and felt like a million bucks?  When were you the steam that powered the train?  I admit it.  I have way more 212 degrees to the bad than I want.  Not enough 212 to the good.  212's are your leaders.  212's are the goals you set and made.  212's is the RAOK you did today.  212's are the people letting you go ahead of them because you have 2 items to their 20 in the checkout line.  212's are the people who smile and mean it.  212's are the people you look up to.  212's inspire you to be better, to do better, to live better.  212's have passion and commitment written all over them.  Their choices fuel their goals.  I say this often---we have choices in almost everything we do. 

To those who are passionate about advocacy, adoption, Ds, therapies, IEP's, the dinner you are going to make tonight, the song you are going to write, the 2 seconds you are going to take off your running time (no I don't run, unless its to the bathroom!) ----Whatever it is you are passionate about, stand tall and hold your ground!!  Your voice matters.  Your actions count.  People are watching and taking notes and making plans.  Do not be discouraged.  Let the critics say what they want.  Ignore them.  Obviously they haven't found the positive side of 212 often enough.  So much easier for them to find fault then it is to be the catalyst for something good. 

To my sweet friends who are making 212 happen for the good I quote Ralph Waldo Emerson.  "Do not go where the path my lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail......"

Will you be the 212 in someone's life today?  Can you find the 212 that will get your passion going?  When you find yourself going 212 to the bad, take a deep breath and focus on the good.  I think 212 could definitely be a great way to live!

1 comment:

  1. awesome post...really makes you think...thanks for sharing with me tonight!
