Friday, March 4, 2011

Final fundraiser for the Sader family--Let's bring Melanie home!

I am always in awe when the body of Christ comes together to show others what his followers can do!  As I have said many times before, my Down syndrome family is incredible.  I love the women who I network with.  There are so many wonderful stories out there about the goodness of other people.  People who are called by the Lord for a certain mission.  Something I have witnessed several times in the last year are my fellow facebook friends adopting internationally.  Many of these people step out on faith alone.  It cost a good bit of the green stuff to fully fund these adoptions.  Many are called to action, few step out on faith and prayers to heed the call regardless of what their situation is.  Melanie's forever family, the Sader's, are doing just that.  They are so close to fully funding their adoption of precious Melanie.  This is a last hurrah to get them over the final hurdle. 

Another sweet friend, Cathy, hosted a fundraiser recently for the Sader's.   Initially, I wanted to just donate some money and try to win a cool prize.  Then I thought about giving a gift card to be donated to the fundraiser.  Then I just said the heck with it--let me donate an iPod.  Surely someone would give a few dollars to a raffle for the chance to win one of these.  So, I talked with Deanna and Cathy and we decided to try one more raffle to get the last bit of money in that we needed.  I am not called to adopt at this time, but I wanted to help in any way I could to those who are called.  I have prayed for the faces of Reece's Rainbow and cried so many tears of sadness for those who don't have a home yet.  I have cried tears of joys for the families who are bringing these sweet, beautiful children home.  I am passionate about this cause.  Please give if you are able.  Your donation is tax deductible.  Once you donate, leave a comment on Cathy's blog.  If you don't want to comment. let me know and I will let Cathy put your name in the drawing.  If you cannot give monetarily, pray, pray, pray!!

Pray not only for Melanie, but for the kids waiting to get a forever family.  Pray that these orphanages can close forever because the mindset of Eastern Europe would be changed and these kids would be valued and loved and able to stay in their own homes.  Pray for the child who needs to be hugged and kissed and loved by a family.  Pray that these babies don't have to go to an institution to live the rest of their lives in miserable, unspeakable conditions.  Pray that you and your fellow beings never forgot about those who never had a chance because they were born with one little extra cell which forever changed the course of their lives. 

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'  Matthew 25:40

Here is Cathy's post----

Our final push to bring Melanie home

Hello dear readers. . .

While I was hosting the last giveaway for Melanie, a Facebook friend contacted me and said she wanted to do something to help raise money for Melanie's adoption fund.  Donna had an idea of what she wanted to donate, but wondered if Deanna and I would be interested.

Donna's idea???  An iPod!!!!

Oh yes, we were interested!!

I am always amazed at how God's people come together to help each other.  What a blessing!!!

So here we are, trying to raise the last of the money that Rob and Deanna need to bring Melanie home!  What a total blessing it would be to not have to worry AT ALL about the money part of their adoption.

And just in case you forgot what this little angel looks like...

We are going to make it super easy this time.  Go to Melanie's Reece's Rainbow donation page and make a donation.  Then come back here and comment.  You can leave an extra comment if you blog and/or Facebook about our giveaway.

Here are the giveaway items...

An 8 GB iPod Touch AND a $25 iTunes card donated by Donna:

A $25 Kohl's giftcard donated by Brenda H. (another new friend who contacted me)

A $25 Chili's gift card donated by Mark and me.

If you didn't win one of Deanna's FABULOUS tutu dresses in our last giveaway, here's a chance to win a tutu skirt...

This just added, from Johannah, another of Deanna's cyper-buddies:  Beachbody DVD ( new Entitled Turbo Jam: 5 Rockin' Workouts

This just in...a GORGEOUS lab-created sapphire and diamond pendant valued at $295!!!  Donated by my sweet friend, Amy.  (Amy...did I ever ask you how you found Lily's CaringBridge page way back when she had her OHS??!??)

If anyone would like to donate anything else for our giveaway, please contact me at  :-)

We will draw winners on Wednesday, March 16, at 9 p.m. central time.

Melanie belongs in this picture!!!!!  On behalf of the Sader family, THANK YOU for your support!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Donna! I should have let you write the one for my blog. Can't wait to see that girl in her mommy and daddy's waiting arms.
