Thursday, March 31, 2011

Praying for children to find their forever home

I have had many posts in mind relating to different subjects, but I have not been able to stop thinking of something constantly that has tugged at my heart since I first heard this story and saw this picture.  My life is full of good things, so my stories can wait.  This boy coming home to his family cannot.

Kirill waiting to come home with his mommy.

This picture speaks me to each and every time I have looked at it.  In this picture this little boy is right where he needs to be, in his mommy's arms being loved on.  But, he isn't in them permanently yet.  He was denied his family. Since this story broke about the Davis family (who I don't know), we have seen our community come together to share his story. The Davis family is appealing this decision so that he can come home where he belongs.  You can follow Kirill and the Davis family here.  Please be in prayer for them as they continue to lay before God their hearts desire, one of which is to complete their family.

We have two more families standing before the judge who denied Kirill a chance to come home.  One family, the Hooks, met the judge yesterday.  Court was dismissed until tomorrow, so we are praying that this judge is going home to think of how she can forever alter the story of a child who has no voice in the system there.  Another family, the Moreno's, will also stand before this same judge soon.  Pray, pray, pray people.  The fate of these children lie in this person's judgement.  Kirill was the first Down syndrome adoption attempted out of this region.  There is still so much work to be done on behalf of these children as evidenced by the decision to say no to someones future.  

I read a book the other day.  I honestly wanted to read it because I don't want to ever forget what these children need.  That we are the voices for the unspoken.  The book I read---The Boy from Baby House 10: From the Nightmare of a Russian Orphanage to a New Life in America, was about a young man who was able to leave the system.  The link to this book is here.  He remembered his time in his baby house and in a mental institution before coming home to his mom.  Very moving book about Vanya and those who helped him to a new life.

The baby homes are the better places for these children when they are dismissed from their families.  It is far better than the alternative.  They are taken much better care of than in the mental institutions where they are assigned and sent as young as 5.  How could children be made to live with grown adults?  There are horror stories of what happens in these places.  I cannot turn a blind eye or ear to what the fate of these children are.  I think of those children being fed assembly line, never knowing how a sweet, ripe, juicy strawberry will taste.  I think of those children lying in their beds with no soft touches, no sweet kisses, no I love yous being spoken to them, their cries unheard.  I think of these children never given a chance because of circumstances beyond their control.  I think of how lucky my Katie is to be here with me.  That she has a chance to live a good life.  We have to remember that even 50 years ago here in the United States, many children were sent to institutions here.  In the United States, we have shown the potential of these children when given a chance to be loved and to be raised in a home.  We, the families of those who have children with Down syndrome, are the examples for the countries who still put their babies in these homes because they have been told there is no future for them.  The pioneers of this movement belongs to those such as Andrea Roberts with Reece's Rainbow,  who help bring the faces of these children and their stories to us here, to those of us who can help them. 

It would be easy to be bitter and full of dislike for a judge who said no, but this is far bigger than a judge.  This is about working on this judge's mind and heart.  It is about making this judge see the potential of the life that they can be a part of if they aren't sent to an institution.  It is about knowing that love, comfort, praise and believing in someone can be the catalysts for a different path in their life.  Something is bigger than this judge or even anyone who doesn't believe in our children.  His name is God, our Lord and Saviour, the reason we exist.  The reason Katie and Kirill exist and all those with an extra chromosome.  My fellow believers of Christ, please take a moment to pray.  Pray for those who need our voices to be heard.  Pray for those that don't know you, don't realize the redeeming love and life you bring to us.  Change their hearts by changing their minds. 

Cry out for insight and understanding.  Search for them as you would lost money or hidden treasure.  Proverbs 2:3-4

Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier.  ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Katie!!


Today my sweet bug turned 3.  It is so hard to believe that 3 years have passed since she first arrived and was placed in my arms. 

Katie the day she was born.

 I still remember that day so vividly.  The details of this day and the days to come are forever etched in my mind.  The first moment I held you, I remember feeling such intense love and pride.  I helped to create you.  From the moment you were conceived, I prayed for you and asked God to bless me with your presence in my life.  For 8 months, I shared thoughts about you that only the two of us could share.  For 8 months, I nurtured, loved and protected you in a way that only moms can do.  For 8 months, you were mine alone.  For 8 months, you were being created exactly as God wanted you.  47 chromosomes would be a part of the rest of your life the Lord said, although I didn't know that at the time. 

Little did I know that on Easter Sunday, my world would be forever changed and that life would present itself in ways I never imagined from the day of your birth until the present day.  We would spend 6 weeks in the NICU.  The first few days were spent trying to understand what Down syndrome was and everything that would come with that diagnosis.  You were fragile, not eating and having trouble with oxygen levels and other things related to your heart.  Oh how my heart for you.  I remember feeling so many emotions.  Sadness, shock, grief, helplessness, love, joy and confusion  all wrapped into those days that followed your birth.  Still through all of that, I felt blessed.  Blessed that you were given to me.  Blessed to have you in my arms. 

Right after we arrived at Shands.  Katie  rode by ambulance, while we went home and packed.  This was right after we saw her again.

Why was this happening to us?  Why did I have to have 2 heart babies?  Why couldn't you be born with Down syndrome and no other issues?  Why did you have to have Down syndrome?  What was your future going to look like?  What about my future?  Why couldn't I just go home the day after like everyone else and love on my new baby?  What does Down syndrome mean?  On and on the questions went.  So many questions, so few answers or so I thought then.

I felt like such a prisoner to this new world with Down syndrome in it and obviously Katie was a prisoner in the NICU!

The days that followed started to stabilize out.  We started to find a rhythm to our days.  Still, I could hardly bear to leave Katie.  I didn't want her to not feel me there.  I came home to Valdosta for approximately 8 hours during her stay and that was only because I had to sign her up on my insurance at work.  Eventually, the last couple of weeks there, we were able to wake up and not have to rush to the hospital and stay until midnight.  We would venture out for something to eat outside of the hospital.  We would go to Target and shop the baby aisles.  We could go back to the Ronald McDonald house and not feel like we had to sleep in our clothes in case we needed to jump out and get back to the hospital stat.  Katie started growing a little more. 

We were finally allowed to go home and start being a normal family again!  As we went through the months, I saw Katie growing stronger as was I.  Her strength challenged me to do better and be better. 

Still on oxygen after coming home.

At five months, she would have heart surgery.

Enjoying the time before challenges would be faced again.

Blown up from the steroids, but they worked and after several months, the seizures were in remission.

Looking pretty despite not feeling well due to seizure meds and steroids.

Her 1st birthday soon followed and with that new milestones were reached.

Hitting milestones such as walking.
Celebrating her 2nd birthday!

An now we are here, another year later, celebrating her 3rd birthday!  It doesn't seem possible.  So much has happened in these 3 short years.  Things I never would have imagined possible 3 years ago.  My eyes have been open to beauty I did not know existed.  I am so thankful that God allowed and continues to allow me to be her mother.  I kiss her face and I am kissing a pure soul.  I look into her eyes and I see innocence.  I see her joy and I see the hands of God on her. 

I think back on the moments when she was first laid in my arms.  My eyes were filled with awe and tears then and to look at her now, my eyes are still filled with awe and tears.  She has come such a long way since those first shaky weeks.  She doesn't know what it means to give up.  When she falls, she gets right back up.  Every. Single. Time.  (one exception, the day she broke her leg :))  She doesn't know  any other way to live.  She doesn't see that people may take a second glance at her.  She doesn't know that the world is full of people who pick on people with her diagnosis because they aren't societies definition of normal.  She doesn't see that people will dismiss her because they think she is too slow to learn.  Despite everything, Katie keeps on pushing through it all.  She has done it on her time frame and will continue to with a lot of encouragement and love. 

Katie, mom loves you so very much.  You have filled my heart with a love beyond any words.  Every day is a blessing and I don't forget that because I have you to remind me of all that is good, beautiful and pure in this world.  Three years ago you entered my world and changed me forever.  I only hope that someday you can be proud of me and that you will know I tried my best everyday for you.  I will always fight for what is right for you. I have so many hopes and dreams for you.  You made one of mine come true the day you were born.  Happy Birthday my sweet bug.  Love you forever and ever.




Monday, March 21, 2011

~The Special Mother~

Most women become mothers by accident, some by choice, a few by social
pressures and a couple by habit.

This year nearly 100,000 women will become mothers of handicapped children. Did you ever wonder how mothers of handicapped children are chosen?

Somehow I visualize God hovering over earth selecting his instruments for propagation with great care and deliberation. As He observes, He instructs His angels to make notes in a giant ledger.

"Armstrong, Beth; son. Patron saint...give her Gerard. He's used to profanity."

"Forrest, Marjorie; daughter. Patron saint, Cecelia."

"Rutledge, Carrie; twins. Patron saint, Matthew."

Finally He passes a name to an angel and smiles, "Give her a handicapped child."

The angel is curious. "Why this one God? She's so happy."

"Exactly," smiles God, "Could I give a handicapped child to a mother who does not know laughter? That would be cruel."

"But has she patience?" asks the angel.

"I don't want her to have too much patience or she will drown in a sea of self-pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wears off, she'll handle it."

"I watched her today. She has that feeling of self and independence that is so rare and so necessary in a mother. You see, the child I'm going to give her has her own world. She has to make her live in her world and that's not going to be easy."

"But, Lord, I don't think she even believes in you." God smiles, "No matter, I can fix that. This one is perfect - she has just enough selfishness." The angel gasps - "selfishness? is that a virtue?"

God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally, she'll never survive. Yes, here is a woman whom I will bless with a child less than perfect. She doesn't realize it yet, but she is to be envied. She will never take for granted a 'spoken word'". She will never consider a "step" ordinary. When her child says 'Momma' for the first time, she will be present at a miracle, and will know it!"

"I will permit her to see clearly the things I see...ignorance, cruelty, prejudice....and allow her to rise above them. She will never be alone. I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life, because she is doing My work as surely as if she is here by My side".

"And what about her Patron saint?" asks the angel, his pen poised in mid-air.

God smiles, "A mirror will suffice."

~Erma Bombeck~

Getting ready for K3

It doesn't seem possible that tomorrow my little girl is turning 3!  Where has the time gone?  The Early Intervention program we have been with is for babies ages 0-3.  This is a nationwide program--ours in the state of Georgia is called Babies Can't Wait.  Each state has their own name for their EI program and services vary from state to state.  At age 3, state services are continued through the local school system.  She doesn't have to go to school at this point, but she is going to need speech therapy for years and we want her to have social and educational opportunities so that she can continue to thrive.   We have been busy with transitioning her to the school system this past month.  Her IEP (Individualized Education Program) meeting is tomorrow on her birthday.  The day after that, she can start school!  She is going to the same elementary school Blake went to and I am so excited for her, yet dreading it for me.  I am sure that we will be at the school  more with her than we were with Blake.  (Clarifying a point here--Blake was a great child in elementary school--he stayed out of trouble and made good grades, so we were only at the school for special events for the most part.  Working full time during school hours makes it hard to get away for lunches, etc.  Our schedules are a little different now.  I have a day off during the week and Kiley does too, thus making it easier to get to school.) 

Anyway, I am so nervous about her going to school.  She is so tiny compared to everyone else.  She is my baby!  We did her school testing a few weeks ago.  Do you know how you can be in a moment and you are just talking to yourself and praying for an outcome you want?  Well, that was me on school testing day.  I wanted Kaitlyn to show them some of the things she can do, but I felt like we were just seeing all the things she couldn't do.  I know school is different in their goals.  They are there to provide her with an education.  Her goals for school will be orientated to that.  We are seeing her pediatrician this week for her annual checkup.  I will be discussing whether we need a referral to see an Autism specialist or not for an evaluation. I know I am not supposed to compare her with anyone else, but it is the parent instinct in me that brings these thoughts about from time to time.  I know she is going to be no one else but herself, just the way she has been these last 3 years.  I just want to see her go in there with her peers and blossom.  I think that is what most people want for their kids and I am no exception.  Anyway, it is hard to believe that the time has come to let my little girl go off to school.  Praying that all will go well tomorrow at the IEP.  Will update our meeting and how it went later in the week.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

World Down syndrome celebration a great day!

I am so excited to announce that the Down syndrome Association of South Georgia had their first outing yesterday to celebrate World Down syndrome day.  I started getting together with 2 fellow moms about a year and a half ago after meeting them through our special needs outreach group here in town.  We would hear of a new mom who had just given birth and would ask them to join us in a get together.   7 families later and we were ready to reach out to our community and the surrounding communities.  My fellow mom and friend, Erin, said we just had to go out there and just jump in with both feet, so that is what we did!  We decided to have a celebration at McKey park and invite the community.  Erin got our information into the paper and off we went!

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  Perfect weather.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Temperatures in the high 70's/low 80's.  Living in the deep South, this is the weather you appreciate all year long.  We know long, hot, muggy days are ahead in a few short months.  We couldn't have asked for better weather. 

The turnout was great!  I met several new faces yesterday.  Down syndrome was represented from ages 2 months-37 years of age.  We mixed and mingled and enjoyed each others' company.  We had a balloon release at the end of our celebration to honor our children and all the other people in this world who have Ds.  To the families who agreed to help me by bringing anything I asked for and for helping to invite and get the word out to other families, thank you. 

World Down syndrome day is actually tomorrow (3/21).  For those who don't know, this day was picked because of our family member having 3 sets of the 21st chromosome.  That is why you may hear Trisomy 21 as another name for Ds.  The day was picked as a way to celebrate, honor and promote acceptance in all people who share an extra 21st gene.  My daughter is worthy of this day and so much more.  Everyone has a gift to bring to this life we all live and love.  I have never been more certain that I am to help be a voice for Ds.  My daughter is one of the faces of Ds and my heart and soul is filled with love for those who have Ds.  I hope our voices and actions will help others to see  that there is more to Ds than they ever knew possible!

Happy World Down syndrome Day!!   

Katie and Kiley

 Now, my friend Erin took much better pictures than I did (and probably hundreds more than I did), but I am going to attempt to share a few I took on my little point and shoot camera. 
Eslea and Emily
Mary Nell and Joy
Maggie and Scott
Maggie and Katie
Trying to get everyone together for a group shot!
Anna and Thanayi
Maggie and Kelly

The beautiful sky during the balloon release.  I couldn't see when I took this picture, so it was just a random shot.  I got some of the balloons in the picture regardless.



Brian and Griffen

Yummy cupcakes in the Down syndrome colors!



Thursday, March 17, 2011

Adoption denied

I was going to blog about something different today, but my heart is no longer into the post. I saw this posted on my facebook page this morning and I am just so saddened by the post that I have linked here to my blog. I am so tired of hearing that our children are unworthy of life!

God created my daughter and those who share her extra 21st chromosome for a purpose! He is never wrong! The bible says this---For You created my innermost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:13-14

I cried when I first read that this adoption had been denied, then I became angry and sad. I am praying that this judge's heart would be changed. There are some more adoptions coming up before her soon. We have to pray that she will feel God's presence on her and in her, and that her heart would be opened to allowing these adoptions to proceed. There are still so many prejudices that prevail and will continue to exist until we are freed of this world as we know it. I long for the day when hate, ignorance and evil no longer exsist. Because this judge said one little word, a child's life living in freedom has been denied. My heart is broken for this little boy. I am praying for a miracle. Praying that maybe this judge will reverse her decision. Praying that she will be convicted by her actions and change them. Please join me in praying for her, this family and especially for this little boy.  Please click on the link below and read the post.

Micah Six Eight: Hold them Close: "Hold your little ones close those of you who have crossed the waters and brought them safely to this side of the ocean. Hold them clos..."

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Loving life, Loving Lera

My friends---I would like for you all to take a moment and pray for this child--Lera.  Isn't she beautiful?

Please visit her page (click on her name and it will link you to her page) and consider making a donation to help get her home. For a ten dollar donation to her fund, you will be in the running for some great prizes including an iPad among other things.  This is tax-deductible also.  With your ten dollar donation, you will receive more than a chance to win some great prizes.   The ultimate prize will be this girl being allowed to come here to the States to start a new life.  You are helping to buy her a future that she will love!  A chance where she can come home and shine.  A place where she will be loved beyond belief.  Away from a life of sponge baths and mush to eat every single day. A place beyond the walls of the place she calls home now.   If this adoption falls through, she will be transferred to a mental institution soon.  There is no future there for these kids.  She will be a number in the system. 

She has lost several families who committed to her and had to back out of the adoption.  The Higbie's are in the process of adopting her, but they were told they cannot move forward unless her family raises an additional $14,000 dollars in the next 19 days.  This is not an impossible task.  We are going to call on the one who can make this happen.  Lord, we lift this child up to you.  We ask that hearts will be open to calling out your name on her behalf.  I have often asked myself and the Lord how can we make a difference when there are so many who need.  Every life we save, one at the time, is a gift to God.  We show him that we are heeding his call. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28 (NIV)

I am called to pray for this child.  I am called to ask you to help this child through your prayers and donations.  I have never been one to ask (beg) for money, but I am begging for this life to be saved.  I am begging for you to pray that we, the Higbie's Christian family, help save Lera's life.  Yes, after we save Lera, there will be another child to save.  Yes, I will ask you to help me again.  Yes, it is all worth it. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Final fundraiser for the Sader family--Let's bring Melanie home!

I am always in awe when the body of Christ comes together to show others what his followers can do!  As I have said many times before, my Down syndrome family is incredible.  I love the women who I network with.  There are so many wonderful stories out there about the goodness of other people.  People who are called by the Lord for a certain mission.  Something I have witnessed several times in the last year are my fellow facebook friends adopting internationally.  Many of these people step out on faith alone.  It cost a good bit of the green stuff to fully fund these adoptions.  Many are called to action, few step out on faith and prayers to heed the call regardless of what their situation is.  Melanie's forever family, the Sader's, are doing just that.  They are so close to fully funding their adoption of precious Melanie.  This is a last hurrah to get them over the final hurdle. 

Another sweet friend, Cathy, hosted a fundraiser recently for the Sader's.   Initially, I wanted to just donate some money and try to win a cool prize.  Then I thought about giving a gift card to be donated to the fundraiser.  Then I just said the heck with it--let me donate an iPod.  Surely someone would give a few dollars to a raffle for the chance to win one of these.  So, I talked with Deanna and Cathy and we decided to try one more raffle to get the last bit of money in that we needed.  I am not called to adopt at this time, but I wanted to help in any way I could to those who are called.  I have prayed for the faces of Reece's Rainbow and cried so many tears of sadness for those who don't have a home yet.  I have cried tears of joys for the families who are bringing these sweet, beautiful children home.  I am passionate about this cause.  Please give if you are able.  Your donation is tax deductible.  Once you donate, leave a comment on Cathy's blog.  If you don't want to comment. let me know and I will let Cathy put your name in the drawing.  If you cannot give monetarily, pray, pray, pray!!

Pray not only for Melanie, but for the kids waiting to get a forever family.  Pray that these orphanages can close forever because the mindset of Eastern Europe would be changed and these kids would be valued and loved and able to stay in their own homes.  Pray for the child who needs to be hugged and kissed and loved by a family.  Pray that these babies don't have to go to an institution to live the rest of their lives in miserable, unspeakable conditions.  Pray that you and your fellow beings never forgot about those who never had a chance because they were born with one little extra cell which forever changed the course of their lives. 

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'  Matthew 25:40

Here is Cathy's post----

Our final push to bring Melanie home

Hello dear readers. . .

While I was hosting the last giveaway for Melanie, a Facebook friend contacted me and said she wanted to do something to help raise money for Melanie's adoption fund.  Donna had an idea of what she wanted to donate, but wondered if Deanna and I would be interested.

Donna's idea???  An iPod!!!!

Oh yes, we were interested!!

I am always amazed at how God's people come together to help each other.  What a blessing!!!

So here we are, trying to raise the last of the money that Rob and Deanna need to bring Melanie home!  What a total blessing it would be to not have to worry AT ALL about the money part of their adoption.

And just in case you forgot what this little angel looks like...

We are going to make it super easy this time.  Go to Melanie's Reece's Rainbow donation page and make a donation.  Then come back here and comment.  You can leave an extra comment if you blog and/or Facebook about our giveaway.

Here are the giveaway items...

An 8 GB iPod Touch AND a $25 iTunes card donated by Donna:

A $25 Kohl's giftcard donated by Brenda H. (another new friend who contacted me)

A $25 Chili's gift card donated by Mark and me.

If you didn't win one of Deanna's FABULOUS tutu dresses in our last giveaway, here's a chance to win a tutu skirt...

This just added, from Johannah, another of Deanna's cyper-buddies:  Beachbody DVD ( new Entitled Turbo Jam: 5 Rockin' Workouts

This just in...a GORGEOUS lab-created sapphire and diamond pendant valued at $295!!!  Donated by my sweet friend, Amy.  (Amy...did I ever ask you how you found Lily's CaringBridge page way back when she had her OHS??!??)

If anyone would like to donate anything else for our giveaway, please contact me at  :-)

We will draw winners on Wednesday, March 16, at 9 p.m. central time.

Melanie belongs in this picture!!!!!  On behalf of the Sader family, THANK YOU for your support!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Let's get Olga home!!

This is a guest post from a wonderful momma, Patti, who shares the common bond of a child with Ds with me.  She is an amazing ambassador for orphans.  You can follow her blog here.  There were over 25 bloggers who posted this on the same day to help raise some funds for Olga's forever family.

Let me tell your friends--every prayer, every thought, every single penny helps.  When you think your five dollars won't do much, think again.  Your latte from Starbucks could be missed today and you won't suffer from it.  Drink your Maxwell House at home for a day and help change this child's life.  Olga touched my heart from the very first time I saw her.  I was looking for a child to donate to during the Christmas season.  As soon as I saw her, I knew she was the one.  I was the first person to put some money in her fund.  I say that not to brag, but to say that my little bit of seed money was a start for a new future for her.  When I saw her sitting on her slide, I saw Katie looking at me.  I thought about how this little girl needed a mother to push her on a swing.  I thought this little girl needed a father to be waiting at the end of the slide with open arms ready to scoop her up and do it all over again.  I thought this girl needed a brother and sister to shower her with hugs and wet kisses.  I thought that she needed to get in her parents' arms and have them carry her beyond the confines of the fences at her orphanage.  I  thought she needed to go home to a loving family and never spend another night alone not knowing a family's love. 

When I tell you my heart becomes burdened when I think of these children alone, well that word doesn't really do it justice.  Did you know that there are around 160 million orphans in the world?  How can this be?  Yes, we can make a difference by saving one at the time.  If you are led, please give a few dollars to this family.  You can donate directly through the chip in button below or you can donate directly to their fund set up on Reece's Rainbow.  If you donate through RR, this is tax deductible. 

Here is Patti's post.....

A Day to Save Olga

Dear Friends,

So many of you already know this beautiful little face....


Olga turned five last month. She has spent the last five years in an orphanage in Eastern Europe, without the love of a mommy and daddy- simply because she arrived in life exactly as God designed her. One chromosome too many, and her fate was sealed from birth.


Sealed, because in Eastern Europe, babies who are born with Down syndrome are deemed unacceptable at birth. They are discarded as cast-offs of society, and when they turn five they leave the only home they've ever known...


And I wish I could say that for most of these children, leaving that home means going to a place of safety, a place of happiness, a place where they would finally know the love of a family...know what it means to be cuddled or sung to or read to, tucked in at night, prayed for, loved.

Instead, they are taken to a place that most people wouldn't leave their family pet.

A place of living hell, where they will never know the tenderness of a parent, never know the security of being raised in a family, and there they will stay, one ugly, pain-filled day at a time...until they die.


I read a post last December that stayed with me to this day. It was called from baby dolls to bedstraps.The blog author wrote about Elizabeth, an orphan on Reece's Rainbow who had been transferred to a mental institution, waiting for a family to step forward for her. Her words still haunt me.

I wonder where she thought she was going as they led her out of the orphanage that day. Did she think that maybe it was finally her turn? That they were taking her to her forever Mommy and Daddy?

And when they instead took her inside that dreadful place, when they shaved her head and tied her to a too-small metal crib

when they turned their backs and



when they left her confused, terrified,

in a room where the wails of schizophrenic adults echo through the cold air

what was going through her young mind?

Did she wonder if she was being punished?

How long did she hold out hope that this was only temporary?

That any minute, they would come and take her back to the baby house

to her baby dolls and teddy bear,

to her best friend, Angelina?

Did she long to free her arms from the restraints

to cover her head with her hands to drown out

the scary noises

the scary sights

the scary smells?

That could be my Lily….

It could be your child.

And what if it were?

What if you woke up one morning

and by some hellish, twilight-zone twist of fate

your child wasn’t still tucked into that warm bed down the hall,

what if your child was trapped

across the dark sea

in that nightmare that is

the institution?





Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. Proverbs 24:11

Elizabeth is being rescued today, thanks to the efforts of that blogging mama, and others like her.

Olga is being rescued today, thanks to so many of gave so much and created such a large grant that a family was able to step forward and start the process of adoption.

The Abells have done so much already, towards rescuing Olga. I can't even imagine all the paperwork and prayer and emotion and finances that goes into an international adoption. They have done numerous fundraisers, and will continue to do so until they can bring Olga home.

Through the help of so many, a grant of over $13,000 has been raised for Olga's adoption. That grant is set aside for the final travel costs and fees that it will take to bring Olga home. It will take every penny of that and then some.

Right now the Abells are in need of raising the $7,000 that is needed to submit their dossier for Olga. Without that dossier we don't even know if Olga has been transferred yet. Here in America you just pick up the phone and ask these questions. But here in America we don't tie five year old girls to cribs to keep them from climbing out.

The Abells need to submit that dossier as soon as possible- at the very least to find out if she has been transferred already- because I know an army of prayer warriors who is going to want to know that piece of information as well. And at the very most, it could be able to hold Olga at the baby house until the Abells can rescue her. I wish I could say with certainty that she won't be transferred- truthfully we just don't know that.

Olga has been so heavy on my heart for months- friends, I want you to know that I DO trust that God has a plan here.

I prayed like crazy for a way to help the Abells. I truly believe that there is a network of people who love Olga here in blogland...a net that is woven by God and is stretching out across this blessed country we live in, and even beyond to generous hearts in other nations. I really cannot express enough how thankful I am to be a small part of what God has already done for Olga, Peter and Kareen. But I don't think our job is done.

Olga needs us.

I don't want her to spend one more forsaken day in that place than she has to.

We're not doing a giveaway here today. I don't even think we need to do one- I know so many just have a heart to help and to give, and prizes were never the real reason we all gave anyway.

So I'm just asking- for one day- for you to do whatever you could to help Olga. Whether that's $10 or $20 or even a hundred...if you are able to help raise this money for the dossier, please do so HERE... This is the Abell's chip-in.

This is the link for the Family Sponsorship Page on Reece's Rainbow...every single dollar goes to the Abell's adoption fund, and every single dollar will help.

We're calling this A Day to Save Olga, because there are about 17 of us blogging mamas and one blogging grandpa who have set aside this day to blog, post on Facebook, pray, give and spread the word to SAVE OLGA.

Will you help us?

I know you will:)

