Thursday, October 21, 2010

31 for 21: Day 21--Revisiting the P's again--Purpose and Q is for quiet time

So, I started thinking about what my purpose in life is/has been.  (yes, I do think sometimes!)  I do feel we were created from God and for his purpose.  I am not alone in that thought.  Over 90 percent of Americans believe in a higher power.  Worldwide, the numbers are in the high 80 percent level.  So if we have that many people believing, then I would think many of you would understand where I am coming from when I ask what is the purpose of my life?   I read the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren a few years back and we did a Purpose Driven Church with our church a few years back too.  It was a very interesting read and it tells us we were created for God's purpose and that this life is only a temporary home.  Was I created to take care of a special needs child?  Am I here to help advocate and educate for these children?  Am I here to provide support for new moms and to develop friendships with moms who share our common bond?  Am I here to just give the best care and love to my sweet girl?  Can I show God's love through my child?  Do I have more than one purpose in life and more than one way to carry out that purpose?  The answer to all the above is yes.  I am learning that I have new purposes that are creeping into my thoughts and maybe some that I am resisting from God.  Some purposes are not clear to me and some are crystal clear.  

So I am trying to be quiet.  Trying to really listen to what he is telling me.  There are people who never know what being quiet is.  (I know, I know, I am one of those people always talking!)  I like to have quiet time every day.  I usually spend it doing two things--praying and reading.  I am a firm believer in down time.  I need it.  You need it. We all need it.  Some people need background noise on all the time---the tv, the radio, who knows what else.  When everyone goes to bed here, that is when I turn off the tv and allow the stillness of the day to make itself known.  I already posted about our society being in a hurry all the time, but we are also a society who feels the need to be connected all the time too.  What we would do if we turned off all the cell phones, the computers, the radios, etc?   Would you take the time to connect more with yourself and with God? I love the computer and the internet.  It is amazing what you can do with it.  I like to watch movies and listen to music.  I want all the latest electronic gadgets too.  But I know that these things do not fuel my life.  They don't keep me happy although they do bring me happiness.  But there is a time and a place for all of that and a time for quietness.  When things get quiet, does your brain go into overdrive?  Can you not keep one thought separated from the other?  Do you allow yourself time to mediate and reflect on all the things you are blessed with?  Do you remember that you have friends and family who love you?  That you live in a country where your rights are upheld?  That you go to bed not hungry or cold?  That you are protected by men and women who are giving their life for you?  That you are allowed to worship any way you want?  That your child has access to medical care?  That we have drinking water that we don't have to walk miles to get?  On and on the list could go.  Two thirds of the world we live in is underdeveloped.  They have no quick access to food, water, medical care.  There is so much we take for granted.  When you start finding your mind race, give yourself some quiet time to reflect on all that you do have.  As Martha Stewart would say---Quiet time--its a good thing.  Talk with God about your purposes in life.  Allow the quiet time to be a regular part of your day.  You may find it to be one of the best times of the day also.

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