Monday, October 4, 2010

31 for 21 Day 4--Babies and Blogging

I have often found that most of the bloggers I follow decided to start their blogs after the birth of their babies as a means of letting family and friends follow their journey.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading so many blogs over the last two years and following the stories of people I have never met, but who know just what I am feeling.  I have a good bit of blogs that I follow just due to someone linking the information off of their website.  It is amazing what people will blog about.  Really, anything goes.  I follow super popular blogs such as The Pioneer Woman and Bakerella, which have to do with cooking.  I read blogs that follow kids who have DS, new moms and dads sharing their journey of parenthood, people dealing with illnesses and blogs which encourage you, scrapbooking blogs and all kinds of other blogs dealing with everything under the sun.  But the majority of blogs deal with DS. 

Babies who are born with DS bring a wide variety of emotions to new moms and dads.  Writing is a very effective tool for being able to share all of what you are feeling.  Parents who get a prenatal diagnosis do have time to prepare emotionally as well as physically.  I read a message board the other day about a mom whose child was born with DS.  She said that she has also wished for the last several months every single day that her child did not have DS.  She didn't know if anyone would understand where she was coming from.  I couldn't reply because I am so thankful to God that he blessed me with my baby and because I couldn't understand how she couldn't just love her baby just as the baby was. How my heart hurt for her.  I didn't know what to say.  I just prayed that this child will be loved beyond understanding.   That doesn't mean that I think the mom is a bad person.  I feel sadness that she has those feelings, but I respect her feelings and admire that she was able to share something so privately as those thoughts with people.  Not everyone can deal with DS.  (as discussed in the previous post)  But what a wonderful thing to have a network of people who you can call your friends just because they share that bond of an extra chromosome with you.   Again, to the new moms with your new babies, I cannot say it enough---just love your babies first.  The rest will work itself out. 

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