Monday, October 18, 2010

31 for 21:Day 18 --Opportunities

Seize every opportunity along the way, for how sad it would be if the road you chose became the road not taken.  ~Robert Brault

What do you do when an opportunity presents itself?  Do you even recognize it?  Do you jump head first into it or do you step in toe by toe?  Do you look at it as a once in a lifetime chance or do you think it is something that will present itself again to you?  Do you ponder over all the options or never give it a second thought and let what happens, happen?  If you had an opportunity to redo some of the things in your life, would you redo them?  I know there are certain things I would love to get a do over if presented to me.  I am not going to sit around waiting to see if those things would present itself to me though.  I don't live my life dwelling on past regrets, my life before me is beautiful.  It is one I enjoy and maybe I don't savor it as often as I should. 

I read a post the other day about someone wishing every day that she could change the fact about her child having Ds.  She is still early in her journey, and for many there are quite the range of emotions that go along with a new diagnosis.  I don't devalue her feelings one bit.  I do hope and pray that a year from now she will think differently and just take this opportunity to live her life to the fullest with her child by her side living life large too. 

The Ds community has so many more opportunities available to us than ever before in our children's lifetimes.  I just read an article today in my paper about my educational opportunities for our children after high school.  That college is a reality for some of them in addition to other lifestyle choices that weren't readily available 20 years ago. 

I do not feel that every conversation I have with every person has to be (and it isn't) about Ds.  If the opportunity comes up where I can educate people, I take it if I feel it is appropriate.  I find everyone that I have talked to has been so receptive to hear what I have to say.  We don't have to come out with guns blazing saying listen to us or else.  We can make no better statement than allowing our children to fully be a part of our lives, to show them off just as proudly as we do our other children, to allow them to have the same experiences our other children have, to show that first and foremost they are loved just by simply being part of our family.  Those opportunities are called living life, right here and now. 

What opportunities are you missing out on right now?  Embrace the life you are given.  Find one positive thing to see in each day.  When you think you have it bad, remember there is always someone that needs more hope and love than we could ever imagine.  Do lose the opportunity to say I love you to someone or to just call someone and say hi, I'm thinking of you.  Those little opportunities can have big rewards, for you and those you interact with. 

Opportunities do not come with their values stamped upon them.  ~Maltbie BabcockEvery day is an opportunity to make a new happy ending.  ~Author Unknown


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